

An Attitude of Gratitude

Today I'm feeling very grateful. Despite the corona corral, gratitude is pouring out of me.

Grateful for the everyday blessings we tend to take for granted. Technology and electricity and clean (and hot!) water. Although we are trapped indoors, we have computers and phones to keep us connected; electricity to keep us warm (or cool) and to power all of our devices; and clean water to drink, cook and bathe with and do our laundry. Yes, I am even grateful for laundry - or at least more time to get it done. Grateful for the sun. Even though spring seems to be hiding from us up here in New England, today the sunlight is highlighting the gifts.I'm so grateful to the medical personnel out there, carrying on like soldiers fighting on the front lines of this virus. Grateful for those in the delivery business and those who have added delivery to their business - the truck drivers, mail carriers, Amazon workers, local shop owners who are keeping us in essential supplies and stocked with puzzles, books and vacuum bags.
Grateful for morning moments with my husband, who is able to work from home (because of the electricity and technology). I love being at home with my people and being able to kiss and hug on them throughout the day. To be able to grab my girl and give her a kiss on her porcelain forehead or receive a hug from my boy, smelling of shampoo fresh out of the shower.
Grateful for waking up to coffee ready to drink and time to spend soaking in God's presence each morning before getting started for the day. Grateful for my church and ministry team, teaching sermons to a camera and singing to an empty sanctuary; so that we can gather in our homes on Sundays and worship online. Grateful for youth pastors who put together Zoom meetings to stay connected to our kids.
What are you grateful for today?

"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable." - Philippians 4:8

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