

What if

What if the world stopped spinning for a minute. Stopped swirling and spewing, just stopped. 

Please just stop a minute.

What if we dropped to our knees with EARS WIDE OPEN and WIDE MOUTHS SHUT.

What if we sat so silent, so still, and we listened so intently that we could hear the impossible.

What if we breathed so deeply that we cleared out all the noise of sides and agendas and fear and hate.

What if we closed our eyes so tightly all we could see is our mutual story.

Are you listening?

Can you hear our hearts beating and breaking and beating and breaking? Together, the same.

What if to move forward, we have to go back?

Way, way back before American laws or politics or slavery or segregation, colonialism or cotton. Back to a cross on a skull hill where innocent blood set us ALL FREE.

What if, in this still and silent posture, we sit at that cross and remember the cost of our salvation.  

What if we listened to the only words that matter. What if we LISTENED?

What if we had only listened.

What if we actually LOVED with kindness. What if we gave love that is unselfish. What if we always forgave. What if we always pursued truth and justice. 

What if we led with wisdom that is pure. What if we were peace loving and gentle and showed mercy.
What if we showed no favoritism. What if we were all created and treated equal?

What if we cared for the orphans and widows and hungry and imprisoned. What if we see those who are mistreated, as if we feel their pain in our bodies. 

What if we cared more about listening to the creator of the universe than the rhetoric of political parties.

What if we stopped making assumptions and pointing fingers and blame and guns with prejudiced bullets.

What if we just stopped and listened?

Are you listening?

Can you hear His heart breaking and breaking? 

What if we stopped demanding for what's ours and mine. What if instead we asked, what can I do for you and yours?

What if we loved our neighbors as ourselves and treated others as we want to be treated?

What if we rise from our knees and open our eyes only to see through another's?

What if you listen to my story and I see your story and not your skin and we change the world together one story at a time.

What if I hear your cry, and I take your hand and cry with you instead of silencing your tears?

What if I'm willing to lay down my life for yours?

What if it all comes down to this: Life is just a test. And the only passing grade is LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

"Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love." I John 4:7-8

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